Sunday, June 1, 2014


Summer means reading to me.  The kind of reading where you truly get lost in a story because you're traveling to a faraway place of beauty that seems like it should be familiar, but it only is because the author has captivated your imagination so well.  The kind of reading that comes to you, and you don't have to work for it.  The kind of reading that is so entertaining it makes you feel guilty for wasting time until you realize you've learned something new about yourself or someone else or everyone.  This is the kind of reading that makes a summer spectacular.  

It helps to know your genre.  This has taken me a long time to discover, and I thank Alexander McCall Smith for helping me do so.  While I do appreciate biographical history, philosophy, apologetics, or personal finance books, what I actually most purely delight in is an easy read with a fantastic setting (usually Scotland or France), fiction (so as not to take it too seriously) with undertones of truth and discovery.

I just finished this little treat and it was delightful:

I also just devoured this and can't say enough about it!  It was so fun, especially for a Francophile!

The author, Peter Mayle, was recommended to me by a friend and when I also learned he wrote A Good Year, the book one of Howard's and my favorite movies is based on, I knew I'd like him.  I can't wait to read more by him!  

Isn't it so great when you find an author you love and he or she has written a ton?!  (Yes, I'm looking at you, Harper Lee.)

I am now onto this little adventure by McCall Smith, who has currently landed me on Grand Cayman.  A great summer reading destination!

And I absolutely can't wait for this purchase to guide my devotionals the next several weeks, Beth Moore's new study on 1 and 2 Thessalonians:

What are you reading this summer?

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